Why now is the best time to use faucets!

For the people who don't know what a faucet is, it is a website that allows you to claim a small amount of cryptocurrency every so often. Using the faucets, despite only being given a small amount at a time, can build up rather quickly, especially for something that involves little effort. So why is now the best time to use them?

The price of Bitcoin is rather low now, compared to the heights we've seen it in the past. This is good for the amount of cryptocurrency that you receive per claim from a faucet; this is because the amount you are given is usually tied to the price of USD, as opposed to a fix rate of crypto. For example, Bitcoin has been hovering around $6,500 recently and let's say that a faucet gives you 50 satoshi per claim at this price. In the past, when Bitcoin was $13,000, this same faucet would've paid 25 satoshi. This is paying out exactly the same USD wise but you are getting double the amount of Bitcoin per claim.

As you can probably see from my example, if you claim now, and Bitcoin rises again to $13,000, you will have double the amount. In my opinion this makes claiming from faucets something that is worthwhile to build up a bit of extra cryptocurrency while everything is low. Plus, Bitcoin could go even lower, making claiming even more worthwhile.

So what are the best faucets to be using? There are actually quite a few that pay out quite well and I use daily; which I will now list for you.


(My referral link if you're so inclined and want to try it out: https://freebitco.in/?r=4069854)

Freebitcoin is by far the most popular Bitcoin faucet, and for good reason. It has a lot more features than most faucets, which I will go through, with a lot more opportunites to earn.

The main feature is of course the faucet, which can be very profitable in itself. You can claim from the faucet every hour and instead of getting the same amount each time, a number is rolled between 0 and 10,000 which allows you to gain anywhere from $0.002 to $200 worth of Bitcoin each hour. I myself have rolled $2 worth a couple of times, and I don't claim from the faucet very often. This isn't the only feature for claiming, as you can see from the screenshot above there is also a bonus. Your bonus can increase from gambling or playing the lottery, which has huge potential to make your claims worth more. In my screenshot, you can see that I have a bonus of +31 satoshi which is added to every tier of reward, making the lowest tier double. At current prices, the maximum bonus is +589 satoshi, which will get you 620 satoshi per claim, just for the lowest tier, which is a great claim if you can reach that. You also receive lottery tickets and reward points which I will talk about more in a bit.

You can also gamble your earned Bitcoin if you want to take the risk to try to gain more. You can gamble as little as 1 satoshi at a time and even set up and autobet, which is very favourable for the martingale startegy. For every 500 satoshi you gameble, you will also receive more lottery tickets and reward points, as well as your claim bonus being increased. Gambling is a big risk, but if you want to try your luck the option is there.

The lottery is also another opportunity to earn more Bitcoin. You can receive tickets just from rolling and gambling (or opt in to only receive reward points if you'd rather that) or you can buy more at the price of 1 satoshi each. It's not just limited to 1 winner either, 10 people will be picked as winners, increasing your chances a lot to win something.

Another great feature of the site is the reward points. You receive reward points from gambling and just from the hourly roll. You can exchange your reward points directly for more Bitcoin at a rate of 1 point for 1 satoshi, which can be done when you have 100,000 points, or exchange it for a 12 hour bonus of more Bitcoin/Reward points per roll. Other prizes include, hardware wallets and even phones.

The final great thing that freebitcoin offers is an interest rate. When you are holding over 30,000 satoshi in your account, you will start to earn interest on your balance at a rate of 4.08% APR, which equate to around 0.01% a day. This is a great addition, allowing you to earn a little bit extra for doing absolutely nothing.

Bonus Bitcoin

(My referral link if you're so inclined and want to try it out: http://bonusbitcoin.co/?ref=9CE08143640D)

Bonus Bitcoin is another great paying faucet, but does not have as many features as freebitcoin but is higher paying in terms of claiming.

Bonus Bitcoin allows you to claim every 15 minutes, as opposed to every hour from freebitcoin, and you can receive up to 5,000 satoshi per claim, or opt in to receive the average amount each claim, which at current prices is 26 satoshi. The average in my opinion is the better option as you usually receive lower than 26 otherwise. This is a better payout than the normal claims in freebitcoin as you can get 104 satoshi an hour. You also receive an extra 5% bonus of everything you claim which is paid out every few days.

Moon Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Litecoin

(My referral links if you're so inclined and want to try it out: http://moonbit.co.in/?ref=e70a20ed3eb7, http://moondoge.co.in/?ref=5d82dea7b3f6, http://moonliteco.in/?ref=ed2afcdaf9b9)

These group of faucets don't pay out as much as the other two but they are still good to use nonetheless. You can claim whenever you want, the minimum being every 5 minutes, and the claim amount will keep going up the longer you leave it but the rate at which it goes up will decrease over time but it is still worthwhile.

You also get bonuses from claims for stuff like loyalty, referrals, mining and random bonuses. If you get lucky, and work towards increasing these bonuses they can actually be quite beneficial. On their own, these faucets aren't the best but can still gain you a little bit, but if you use them together you can actually gather up a lot rather quickly.

Hopefully this post has helped you out and you can use these sites to gain a lot of extra crypto. If you have used any of my referrals, thank you and please do leave a comment letting me know. Also be sure to upvote and and follow me for more in the future.

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