AT&T Granted Patent for Bitcoin-Powered Subscriber Server Device

The full story can be read here:

TL;DR : AT&T will use their patent to build directly on the bitcoin blockchain a "Home subscriber server"
In a Nutshell; A master database allowing content delivery on IP networks for home users. The patent details reveal AT&T’s plan for a decentralized home subscriber system in a peer to peer network of base station devices sharing a database on a blockchain. With the most obvious of benefits being the fact one node or several nodes could be attacked or go down and the network would still function as it should.

I wanted to be sure everyone heard this news. Primarily because I want to hear what everyone thinks and feels about this awarded patent. Does the community feel that patents awarded to major corporations are going to be helping, hurting or not making a difference in the grand scheme of things?

Thanks to #cryptocurrencynews for covering this story.

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