Notice how Bitcoin and cryptos are sluggish and not forcibly snapping back up like they always did. The reason is...

...the largest buying-block of Bitcoin and cryptos (the Chinese) will be vastly removed from the Bitcoin/crypto market by the end of Oct. when all exchanges close in China and their Gov't will be blocking their IP address from trading and buying Bitcoin and cryptos on exchanges outside of China, and they banned all crypto-trading in China on Nov.1 onward, as reported in the news. You can google to verify this news.

China ended Bitcoin's frenzy-party and caused the death of its short-lived bubble; and if you own any cryptos, get out at the higher price today before the massive herd of Chinese crypto owners exit, which will cause a massive sell-off in all cryptos towards the end of Oct. This is why Bitcoin is not rebounding up forcibly higher, like it always did.

Yet, you may see a few spike ups towards the end of Oct. as the Chinese have their one last buying run-up before their last massive sell-off on or before the end of Oct.

Lastly, bitcoin and cryptos are making lower highs and lower lows recently, which is the "tell sign" of their entrance into a bear market.

Good luck if you gamble in cryptos.


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