Crypto can be a SAVAGE GAME!

If your new to crypto currency the first thing that triggers your interests is that moment when you look and the light bulb clicks in your mind and you think... "Holy shit i can make a ton of money!". Yes, yes you can. I remember when that moment happened to me.


You can have a lot of fun and excitement with crypto investing and even day trading, easily raking in $300 dollars plus every day. But not everything is "party hats and handjobs" in the crypto space. There will be days when you bought something and it tanks hard, this is not bad luck... this is not because you think you are an "unlucky" person. This happens to EVERYONE! Your not a real crypto investor until you had that "O SHIT" moment and you just watched a few hundred or even a few thousand just disappear from your portfolio, but no need to feel down, all is not lost. Patients is key in this game. It will come back overtime. I seen people sell out at a loss and next week its up again. You only really lose when you sell.

Greed will get you every time, you invest in a coin and its up 60 percent, what do you do? I don't know that is up to you, its your money! The smart move is to sell off your initial investment and let it ride. Another smart move is to sell off the coin and be happy with the profits you made. Or you could just roll the dice and see if it takes you to the moon. NO ONE has a crystal ball to see into the future. Play it safe.

Now lets talk about the dark side of crypto, the side that you either get sucked into and become a shill... or it makes you cringe and hate that these people exist. So what i am talking about? I am talking about referral links, HYIP(High Yield Investment Payout) scams, Pyramid Scams. Sites such as Bitconnect, USI Tech and Control Finance. The people that buy into these scams will defend them to their death because 1. they know they done fucked up and want to keep promoting untill they can cash out or 2. They actually believe in it. You got to be a special kind of stupid to invest in this stuff, look at Control Finance for example, their mailing address is a PO box! So your a company handling MILLIONS of dollars and you don't have an official office for mail delivery? Come on man WAKE UP! These people shill out and spam their referal links on facebook groups and youtube channels, its everywhere now. Every time i see it, i want to punch that person in the face, because they could potienally be making a newbie to the crypto space fall for it. Its only going to lead to Exit Scams or just a collape and leave these people out a ton of money.


Be smart, invest smart, enjoy yourself and make quality gains using quality coins.
My Picks for quality coins are: BTC, ETH, ANS/NEO, SEC, Waves, Stratis and STEEM. Their are others but do your research don't be the guy or girl that joins a group and says "I have a few thousand dollars and want to invest what coins should i buy?" If you do this you already done fucked up.

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