Crypto Investing Long Game

Playing the long game, means planning your next moves, just like in Jiu Jitsu or Chess.

If you all are like me, you are in this for the long game, and as such we should all look to do what the pros do. The Pro will start off investing in small caps, high risk high reward type investments in order to build their capital and once they raise a great deal of capital they move it into Blue Chips that pay dividends. "Dividend growth often outpaces inflation"
With with Crypto, we should try to do the same in my opinion. So what does that look like? I will break down a hypothetical scenario step by step.

  • Initial investment of $10,000 into Bitcoin.
  • Move $2,000 into Walton chain.
  • Move $2,000 into Voise.
  • Move $2,000 into Ripple.
  • Voise tripples to $6,000 move the $6,000 into Matrix ICO. HODL the rest.
  • Matrix ICO gains 700% Move $42,000 into Steemit for Staking.
  • Walton Chain doubles to $4,000. HODL (Mid Cap)
  • Ripple gains 900% to $18,000, move $9,000 into Nerogress ICO. HODL the rest.
  • Nerogress ICO gains 7000% to $63,000 move to NEO.
  • Sell NEO GAS Dividends to buy Buy Ven (Keep doing then till Ven is worth what NEO is now).
  • Sell Ven's Thor dividends to buy the "new Proof of Stake Dividend coin" that happens to be under $5.00. Repeat forever.
  • Bitcoin Price has doubled and your $6,000 is now $12,000.
  • Move $2,000 from Bitcoin into next hot small cap.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Tips to help not screw this process up.

  • Set stops on your investments, just in case things suddenly turn around. Better to lose a few bucks then to get stuck holding a bag for weeks or months. Every day you spend holding that bag because you wouldn't take a $100 loss, you miss other opportunities that could have recouped that loss and then some.
  • Research, do some research before leaping into a new investment. Every day I hear about people getting burned on ICO's, but I mean, how many of those people do you think did proper research on that company before investing in it? Now this will not ensure you don't get ripped off or even lose money but it will up your odds significantly.
  • Security- Use strong passwords for your exchange accounts and use 2 factor identification. The Google Authentication App is good for this. And for God sake keep your private key in a safe place!
  • Don't invest with emotions, do not FOMO when you see something going up, and do not Panic if you see your investment going down. If you do your research on a company and nothing crazy like their CEO going to jail for fraud happens and you see the price dropping, just relax its probably a correction.
  • Learn TA, that is how to read technical price action on charts, this will clue you in on when to buy into something.
  • Make your purchases in pieces, dollar cost average (DCA). When you see a price to buy in, buy some and see if the price goes up or down before buying more.

With all of this being said, remember to use common sense and always think forward, just like when you play chess, you do not want to be responding to your opponents move, you want them to have to respond to your moves.

Thanks for reading, please feel free to resteem and follow so you do not miss the next article.

This is not financial Advice and I am not a financial advisor, invest at your own risk.

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