Bitcoin Offically Over Sold, I think the Bear run coming to an end. READ HERE FOR ANTI FUD! HODLer!

You can see below the the RSI index just dipped below the over sold line. Last time the RSI was over bought it Dipped and last time it was over sold it Ran Up.

Hey guys, I do not have a crystal ball, but I do know that when when the charts show over sold, people buy in and when things are over bought they sell off. If you look back at my Bitcoin articles, you can see that the RSI has always been a good indicator of what Bitcoin will do, however it does not predict how fast it will react. For example when Bitcoin was over bought and I was calling for a correction it took a full 3 weeks before we got it, I hope that in this case it does not take that long, but I am mentally prepared in case it does. Guys you can check the RSI yourselves by going to and select the RSI indicator. The further we go above or below the RSI line we go, usually the higher or lower we go in the other direction. "The longer Bitcoin is held under the water, the angrier it will be when it will be when it pops it head back up" @zekepickleman.
Now the only question you have to ask yourself is do you believe in Block Chain and Bitcoin or do you think they are going to die?
I will tell you these points:

  • Bitcoin has these huge corrections, and percentage wise this one was not the largest.
  • I don't know about you but I do not trust the main stream media (MSM), and the main stream media keeps telling us that Bitcoin is bad and if you listened to them back in 2013 you would have missed out on the opportunity to make millions off of a single $100.00 investment.
  • People say Bitcoin is backed by nothing, Nor is the USD, Richard Nixon Gold Standard 1971 we are backed by a promise that our government that the notes have value. The same government that squanders your money in their accumulated debt, the same government that bailed out the banks so that they could have their executives golden parachute severance packages
  • Bitcoin on the other hand has never needed a bailout.
  • Backed by proof of work Algorithm, what many do not understand is this basically takes CPU resources from around the world and used them to perform checks on transfers to ensure there is no error in any of the transactions. This piece of the technology in of itself is worthy of investing in.
  • Has actual utility, it can do things, it solves problems like transferring money quickly with minimal fees, it lets you share private data across an entire network without having to worry about the information becoming compromised.
  • Block Chain has made several improvements just in the past few months, and will continue improving.
  • Bitcoin and Block Chain is the future, it is the tech that will drive the Internet of Things (IOT) Internet 3.0.
  • Bitcoin and Block Chain adoption is at its highest, every day we learn of more ways block chain is being utilized. Every day more ways to trade are springing up.

So what is going on and why?
Well guys if you want my opinion on what is going on right now, you may come to the same conclusion that I have if you consider the above. My conclusion is that there is collusion, commiseration and conspiracy at work. It just does not make sense that every day great things are coming to the block chain like this for example the above and this kind of news every day, (, but at the same time on the other hand the MSM has a new fear mongering story about Bitcoin/Block Chain. All of the Banksters, government talking heads and the MSM puppets keep painting the picture that Bitcoin is bad and the bubble is popped and so on. So how can it be both?
How can it be both? How can we have adoption and and companies launching satellites into space ( at the same time as the the end is crypto in the same week? How do we have so many people trying to get into Crypto that Binance and Bittrex had to stop accepting new members but also we have articles like this People the simple answer is this, Manipulation! We are being manipulated.
Now for the why. Wealth and Power, they have the wealth and Power to manipulate the markets so that they can get more Wealth and Power. They manipulated the huge buying surge, then they sold off at the top, they then shorted the market and manipulated the sell off. Now they are fueling the sell off so they they can buy the dip causing another huge surge! They can do this being as they do not need a Crystal Ball to time it, other can read the market signs and bet smart, but as for us, "Mere Mortals" our best way to make money without knowing what the market will do is...... Wait for it......


I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, this is just my humble opinion and my personal plan of action, invest at your own risk.

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