The Planned Collapse Of The Economy Has Begun

I just recently went on top independent radio show in Europe, The Richie Allen Show, to discuss the current state of financial markets including the volatility we have been seeing within the cryptocurrency and stock markets. We also had a chance to touch upon the globalist infiltration into Bitcoin.

I mentioned how strange it was that we saw the Dow Fall 666 Points on 33rd Day of the Year which was followed by several other corrections. And how the US has more than doubled its national debt in the last decade since the financial crisis in 2008 racking up, officially, more than $20 trillion in debt (even though the real number is much higher than that).

After all, we are now in 2018, the year the 1988 economist magazine, controlled by the Rothschilds, told us we should be ready for a new world currency.

And now that supposed small-government, selected president, Donald Trump is in office and very marginally lowering taxes for US tax slaves, he is running up even larger deficits and continuing to devalue the dollar via the hidden tax of inflation which most people never notice because it takes a while for retail prices to catch up to expansion of the money supply, especially because much of the money created is immediately injected into propping up the stock market.

To hear all about these topics in addition to our broader discussion regarding secessionist movements, geopolitical strategy, insider trading and creating systems to make government obsolete; check out the full interview between Richie and I by clicking the link below:

There is a lot going on right now in the financial, monetary and political spheres and The Dollar Vigilante Summit, coming up on February 19th, is a perfect time for a lot of the top thinkers in the space to give their take on what is going on and how to prepare for the rest of 2018.

Anarchapulco, from February 15-18th, is sold out at 1,500, but many people are still coming down to attend many of the workshops and events which will be before, during and after the event and are able to still watch the entire conference via LiveStream HERE.

And there is still space at The Dollar Vigilante Summit if you wish to attend that too. You can find out more HERE.

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