The Bloodless (r)Evolution: How Bitcoin Will Destroy Government And Central Banking

While I was at FreedomFest in Las Vegas last week, I gave a speech entitled “The Bloodless (r)Evolution How Bitcoin Will Destroy Government And Central Banking.”

I started off by asking how many people truly believe in freedom and how many people in the audience were anarchists before pointing out the real irony of having a freedom conference in one of the least free countries on earth. That unsurprisingly ruffled the feathers of some statists who got up and left.

Of course, I just stated the obvious truth that some people apparently weren’t ready or willing to hear. That coupled with the fact that I pressed on by explaining how bitcoin has the ability to end all governments and central banks, probably scared off some of the audience.

With that being said, it is completely true, and I wasn’t deterred. I further explained how government doesn’t actually exist and is nothing but a dangerous superstition as Larken Rose so aptly calls it.

This is an especially interesting talk because I was able to answer several questions from skeptics and curious listeners at the end of the speech which hopefully helped them to make, at the end of the day, more informed cryptocurrency investment decisions.

Check it out here:

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And if the idea of bitcoin is still completely foreign and complex to you, I recommend checking out our beginner's promotion where you’ll receive your first $50 in bitcoin for free if you accept my offer at the end of the four-video tutorial HERE.

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