Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies Smash Through All Time Highs as Bitcoin Cash Surges 64%

Bitcoin continues to break records, hitting a high of $3,433.10 today.

While cryptocurrencies as a whole smashed through their all-time high near $115 billion surging over $118 billion today.

Even Bitcoin Cash got into the action today surging about 60% on average across exchanges to a high of $373.

I was just on’s podcast with Mr. Brian “BitcoinBrian” Wilson, and we covered my outlook for the future of crypto which is more bullish than ever.

We also touched upon the potential future of Bitcoin Cash and whether or not it will gain any serious traction or possibly even achieve some kind of dominance over bitcoin.

I pointed out that it’s possible bitcoin may end up just being used primarily as a store of value similar to the way gold is used in that manner and perhaps Bitcoin Cash will wind up being used as a medium exchange for microtransactions.

On a more personal level, I talk a little bit about why I love Mexico, and Acapulco specifically, so much.

If you want to hear a bit about the future of crypto plus what could happen to bitcoin if banks start collapsing, and why living in Mexico might be something you would enjoy, please check out the full interview HERE:

If you don’t understand how bitcoin works and would like to learn more, please subscribe to our newsletter HERE and you will gain access to our bitcoin basics book which will teach you how to get started plus give you free access to the e-book, The Book Of Satoshi, which includes original content from the creator(s) of bitcoin.

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