🌏 10 Years Before 2009 : Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman Predicted Bitcoin

I have been a fan of Milton Friedman's economic thinking since watching all ten episodes of the series adaption of his book "Free to Choose" several years ago via YouTube.

Despite it being nearly 40 years old it paints a fascinating and very apparent picture of the economic realities we still live in today and shows us different ways a capitalism can thrive, survive and fail miserably and how too much external control and influence is nearly always a bad thing.

So the other day I thought "What would Milton Friedman think about Cryptocurrency" only to find a video of the man predicting such financial mechanism precisely 10 years before Satoshi released his magnum opus on the world!

This might not be news to many but it certainly was for me. If you are into cryptocurrency and you haven't watched Free to Choose by Milton Friedman then do a search on YouTube.

You can watch this video below.

"The one thing that's missing, but that will soon be developed, it's a reliable e-cash. A method where buying on the internet you can transfer funds from A to B, without A knowing B or B knowing A. The way in which I can take a 20 dollar bill and hand it over to you and there's no record of where it came from. And you may get that without knowing who I am. That kind of thing will develop on the Internet."

Milton Friedman - 1999

He even goes on to comment on the fact it would also help criminals and clandestine activity, which is also true of the cryptocurrency world.

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