Bitcoin is safe

Ive seen many articles coming out with really confusing information, no wonder people are confused.

I would just like to clear up the confusion out there about what bip91 means and how it will be implemented. There seems to be a lot of misinformation about bip91 being segwit2x which is just not true. Bip91 is just segwit without the 2x but it leaves the debate open for miners to signal for the 2x (blocksize) part in October/November. I would like to note that the coding for 2x is a dangerous and risky code to implement in to bitcoins blockchain. Even if the coding is well written, it can still cause problems with bitcoins network. On top of that, 2x can also cause a slit in the chain which was what everyone has been so worried about. If bip91 segwit is implemented smoothly and miners decide not to signal for the 2x in October/November than we won't have much to worry about and Bitcoins price can really take off.

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