Is it too late to invest in Bitcoin?

I don't know.
I bet we all wished we bought even 10-50 bucks of bitcoin back in 2012 when it was a buck a coin. Or even in 2014 when it was up to 150.
Geez even last year in 2016 when it was at 4-5k a coin.
Right now as I'm typing this, bitcoin is on the verge of 8000$ USD each!!!!!
Sounds outrageous am I right?
Well strap in for a crazy ride, because bitcoin is getting ready to skyrocket again.
By 2020, in just three short years, bitcoin is almost guaranteed to reach excess of 500,000.
If you think its too late now, think again.However, it will be soon.
I regretfully only just hopped on the band wagon myself last night. 50$ into Bitcoin, and 35$ in Litecoin.
I've been doing months of research, and learning how to mine my own coins.
Now bitcoin is near futile to mine on PC miners like mine. I use a reputable pool to mine a variety of different coins. I put too much time in to experimentation though. After a month, I realized which coins were worth mining and which weren't.
I had several coins that had barely earned me one penny in a month, whereas I had actually made several dollars in others. I maximized my efforts into these, and just by mining in six PCs (over night only) I am earning excess of ten dollars a week.
Now these rates fluctuate heavily depending on the current market value of the coin of course, but Ive seen my account double overnight just becaise one good coin had a fortunate moment.
So theres two options on how to get into crypto, and remember, try not to hesitate. I was scared senseless even putting 85$ into the market last night. But, I am very content with my decision. Take into consideration, as per my last post, I'm not great off financially, but I still knew I had to put something into this before I regretted it even more than I already do.
If you want to start investing in Cryptocpin, I suggest you do so now. Go do your own research, don't take just my word for it.
Here's a link where you can get started investing in not just a revolutionary currency, but in yourself as well!!!
This link takes you to the app store, and is a special reference code that offers 10$ after your first investment of 100$ or more:
Get $10 of bitcoin for free when you buy $100 or more of bitcoin. Download the app now!

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