Cryptocurrency VS Net Neutrality; Can Bitcoin Really Be Stopped?

Now that the whole hoopla with the end-of-calendar-year holidaze are behind us we can refocus on some of the issue we faced towards the end of 2017 with re-energized spirit. In particular, I wanted to take a closer look at the affects of net neutrality on the world of cryptocurrency. Many Americans opposed the repealing of net neutrality rules that were set in place during the Obama presidency. Putting the whole argument aside (tl;dr - I don't agree with the FCC and think they acted like 100% transparent corporate shills except for the 2 that stood up for citizens), how does this affect the future of Bitcoin and a whole market of upstart altcoins? Can Bitcoin really be stopped by the likes of ISP's who no longer have to abide by net neutrality rules?

How Crypto Can Be Affected

Whether or not ISP's will flex their muscles and start blocking sites or charging for a premium connection is not a debate. They will. Don't think so? Here is a great article that lists out every time it has happened since ISP's have had the technological ability to do so before net neutrality regulations were put in place. Will they do it again? Of course they...

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