BTC Short Term Analysis - 'Beware while You Try to Catch the Falling Knife'

As People Try to Catch Bitcoin at its current price of $6100.00

My advice would be to be more patient

*This is not a professional or investment advice. This is just my own opinion

As far as In the Short Term I am seeing lower $5000 and perhaps even higher $4000 levels.

A lot of People are talking about a Bull Run. I am just not seeing it.

Here are my previous Blogs: (you can see I have been nailing it pretty well even though I would not call myself an expert)

Another Scenario that Can Play Out (Even Though Quiet Unlikely)

I Can see another Picture.

Mainly due to the fact that It is rare for the price falling constantly and usually there is a reprieve even during a Down Cycle.

There is a small possibility I am seeing is that Bitcoin may try to bounce towards $7700
However, If it does, the Run will not Last Long and It will then go back down.

In Any case, according to Analysis I see $4750 coming

Could take 1 week or could take a month in a half (1.5)

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