New to crypto / steem

Hi all,

The last weekend I have dedicated myself to learning what there is to learn about the beginnings of cryptocurrency. Not as easy as it seems, I experienced in less then an hour, because where to begin...!

After watching some documentaries about the rise of bitcoin, I started to watch some presentations about the blockchain technology. Because I am working in a bank firm, my company is also getting more and more interested in this technology and gave many presentations.

After a while I started reading online forums and stumbled upon some experts who gave predications for the period to come. It took me hours to get only a glimp of understanding of all this info and expactations. When I started to get tired and wanted to call it a day, I stumbled upon @hilarski and got interested in steem.

The next day I have red about becoming a member here and possible growth of Steem. Being very interested to participate and curious about this technology, I have bought some bitcoins. I invested them in not only Steem but also Euthereum, Ripple and some others which not only the expert thought of a good investment, but also, in my humble unexpert opinion, could have some meaning in the nearby future.

Excited as I was/am I wanted to get un update every minute of the day of my investments. I have bought them when all was going down in price so expected nothing more then I would start losing before growing.

Today I am standing minus 15% and have lost almost 20% on Steem, and we're still counting. I have my hopes up for the coming days/weeks/months/years and wanted to start with a big thank you to all of you guys who are sharing your knowledge. All of this got me on the way and I am sure many will follow.

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