Living, Breathing, & Betting on Bitcoin - MSM coverage for American millenials

Video by: Vice News

Bitcoin getting millennial mainstream coverage. This interview to Olaf Carlson-Wee by Vice News was just released yesterday on Youtube

From Wikipedia: "Vice News primarily targets a younger audience comprised predominantly of millennials, the same audience to which its parent company (Vice Media) appeals."

Note: I'm not endorsing Vice News here, I'm just pointing out the fact they are covering Bitcoin to their targeted young audience. Just want to ask you guys what you think about this and how this coverage impacts the crypto world.

Video description:
Odds are that you’ve been hearing more and more about cryptocurrency as digital tokens like bitcoin and ethereum have become valuable commodities. Converts (and investors) say that cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology represent the future of money, finance, and commerce. But skeptics say that digital currencies represent crowd-sourced pyramid schemes or are fuel for another tech bubble. We met with Olaf Carlson-Wee, who was the first employee at the cryptocurrency broker Coinbase, where he famously took his entire salary in bitcoin. Now, Carlson-Wee runs a hedge fund that deals exclusively in crypto-assets. We talked with Carlson-Wee in San Francisco about money, trust, and how he made his friends rich.

So, what do you think? Is Bitcoin becoming the millennial generation's Gold?

Is Gold doomed to fail as the older generations retire from investing? Or, is crypto the one that will fail in your opinion?

Please let me know in the comments below,


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Tell me what you think of this video in the comments below. This is not professional investment advise. I'm not your financial advisor. Only invest money you can afford to lose!

Happy crypto investing!

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