Orvium - Leading Publication Platform for the Research Community

Previously, you have met the team of Orvium and learnt a bit about the roadmap. Those two factors are very important in developing the project. Without experienced team members with the strong background and clear roadmap, a project can fail. In addition to the two key factors, the success of a project also depends on the market opportunity but more importantly, it depends on how the team makes use of the opportunity and how it handles the barrier in entering the market.

Market Opportunity

There were approximately 9 million active researchers five years ago who published around 2 million articles annually. The articles are collectively produced over two and a half billion full-text downloads from STM publisher’s websites. This number does not yet include the ones from other sites that can reach hundreds of million download. These numbers keep growing every year. This growth is the evidence that there is a huge opportunity in publishing market. This market is really lucrative. Even, it’s reported that the profit margins can be higher than those of Apple 10 and Google.

Market Entry Barriers

Although the market offers fruitful opportunities, it is not easy to enter the market due to some existing barriers especially for new disrupting entities including Orvium. The barriers can come from social, technical, and cost factors. From social factors, for example, the new entities are still worried about their ideas being improperly credited or stolen. They are also afraid to try new things. As new entities, there is also lack of trust in citizen science. From technological sides, problems that may occur are unnecessary idea forced by the industry and lack of integrated data infrastructure.

Meanwhile, from the policies and costs factors, there is a thought that open science activities is a kind of time-consuming. Moreover, private interest has driven opaque decisions regarding the policies and fees. Another barrier is people perceive existing forced licensing model as the only option that can be feasibly done. All of these barriers make it hard and challenging for new entities to enter and disrupt the market.

Orvium Market Entry Strategy

Considering the aforementioned barriers, Orvium introduces a strategy that can help entering the market efficiently. The strategy is created based on promoting the scientific knowledge through a transparent and open access along with the continued technological evolution. In order to deal with publication cost-related barriers, Orvium will try to optimize the cost. The platform will always support transparent peer reviews. It will be conducted by using multi-authors peer reviews to prevent any biases. Other strategies include supporting manuscript versioning, making research data and process available, encouraging custom copyright, and supporting custom journals.

ICO Token Timeline

The sale of Orvium token (ORV) is coming soon. It is shown on the roadmap that the sale is scheduled during the Q2 to Q3 of 2018. There is no way to get more information about the sale. So, it is suggested to keep monitoring the website. The latest information regarding the token sale will also be available in Orvium’s social media so it’s better to join them especially its Telegram.

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  • Bitcointalk: 135cc
  • ETH: 0x002a3C863a9C8C918FfDAfB3E9E09a18F12C99Df
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