Bitcoin Mining and Genesis Mining BTC Contracts ARE BACK!!...............

genes mining btc contracts are back.
and I don't think they will stay for long.
they might go out forever and never come back.


maybe perhaps the btc contracts at genesis mining will always come back.
keep coming back until they cannot buy bitcoin mining equipment anymore,
or until the mining gears get bought out by other people.

however, i think btc contracts are a lifetime mining investment.
an investment better than gold, a savings bank account, or even altcoins.
btc contracts in my opinion is the gift that keeps on giving.
get 3% off with code: 6DU7kq
credit card, btc, dodge, and dash accepted.

watch video to learn more about bitcoin mining basics below
if you are not sure or don't know what bitcoin mining is.
simply put, cloud mining is more efficient than solo mining or mining with your own gear.
get 3% off with code: 6DU7kq

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