Inferno Poll: what will BTC price be at the end of the year?

Back at the end of 2017, the predictions were outlandish. $50,000, $100,000, $1 million BTC by the end of 2018.

Even when the bear market was well under way, we still saw plenty of predictions for an ATH (all-time high) for bitcoin before the year was out, if not higher – though the six-figure forecasts started to disappear.

At the end of June, BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes was still publicly standing by his $50,000 prediction for the end of the year. Around the same time Tom Lee, co-founder and head of research at Fundstrat Global Advisors – someone with some track record of success in these matters – reiterated his earlier claim that bitcoin would end the year at $25,000. And in June Tim Draper, who famously purchased a large tranche of bitcoins from the FBI’s raid on the Silk Road during the last bear market in 2014, said he too expected $25,000 by the end of the year – and $250,000 by 2022.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about crypto, it’s that the picture can change in an instant. As the year wears on, however, those predictions of $25,000 are looking less and less likely. (Admittedly, some were predicated on the SEC approving one or more bitcoin ETFs in the near future, and America’s regulators haven’t exactly been racing to make that happen.) But the question remains: What will one bitcoin be worth when midnight on 31 December 2018 rolls around?

With a little over a hundred days to go, we thought we’d hold a poll of our own.

How much do you think BTC will be worth at the end of the year?

Above the ATH

To cast your vote, please use this Google Form. We’ll keep the poll open for a week, after which we will publish the results and the insights we gain from it. Thank you for your participation!


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