Momentum Combines Data to Get Results

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Nike has a loyalty program, Chili’s has a loyalty program, Whole Foods has a loyalty program, Starbucks has a loyalty program, every brand has a loyalty program. Loyalty programs help brands get data as each brand tracks customer behavior and engagement with their brand.

There are so many different loyalty programs, though, and people’s data is spread across all of them. Even the brands that have given their customers powerful applications that can record data are not able to provide a good analysis of the data being generated. It becomes hard for brands to make good use of the data they have because of how spread out data is. If data from all the loyalty brands can be put together, a specific person’s data profile can be completed and it can become possible to analyze this complete data set to learn the best way to serve this person.

Getting a Complete Data Profile

MobileBridge Momentum is creating one platform for all loyalty programs and with this, it can be possible to connect all the user data that is currently spread across so many loyalty programs of different types of brands. MobileBridge Momentum can put together the data chopped across so many loyalty programs to provide valuable analysis that takes into account how a person behaves with every brand.

A limited data profile can give the wrong idea about a customer’s profile. The limited data profiles brands have do not provide the ability to make marketing campaigns that are best suited for the customer.

MobileBridge Momentum will create the most in-depth data profile of customers and brands will be able to use this to improve how they engage with customers. Brands will know how and when to engage with a customer because they’ll know the customer as well as possible. Brands will also be able to use these complete customer profiles to learn what their customer profile likes once they are outside their store and will give them an idea of what steps they need to take to make their brand more appealing.

MobileBridge Momentum is giving brands a rare opportunity to understand their customers at a whole new level. By combining the data spread across so many loyalty programs, Momentum gets access to learn a person’s complete personality, behavior, and likes. This makes Momentum the marketing platform able to provide the most accurate user data reports.

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