I have seen the future, and it is thus...

In June, 2020, people will be astounded at how dumb it was to sell Bitcoin for $8000 in February, 2018 because by then, it will be worth $300,000 per coin. In 2021, the satoshi will achieve "dollar parity," meaning one satoshi will be worth one cent, i.e., one Bitcoin will be worth a million dollars (of course, by then a million dollars won't be worth as much as it is now because the dollar, unlike Bitcoin, is DESIGNED to lose value over time.)

This will all be extremely disruptive, and it won't all be good. There will be a lot of fiat bagholders who refused to buy and hodl their favorite cryptocurrency. These poor, pathetic no-coiners will be very bitter at having to pay $20 for a cup of coffee while their wiser, less brainwashed brethren fork over .00000500 bitcoin (500 satoshis) for the same thing.

There's a lot more to it than that, of course, but I don't feel like spelling it out. Listen to the merry prankster pictured at the top of this post. He was right then, and he's right now.

Shaggy nerds with computers will always defeat jocks with overly starched shirts and expensive haircuts.

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