Only one chance

What is the point of technology? It's to reduce labor. Up to recent times, we have built tools and machines to make work easier and more efficient. But now we are moving into a world that removes the need for human work entirely. This is just where tech is taking us. In 100 years the production process to feed, clothe and house us will be entirely automated running on renewable energy. Essentially for free, or zero marginal cost.

But people still need money to live. The world has to drop the idea that you have to work to earn money. If it doesn't, the only outcome is to stand by and watch as millions of people starve to death. The 1 percent will not do anything. They are fine with this outcome. They are safe in their cocoon of wealth. If we want to see a brighter future for all we must take that wealth from them and built it ourselves. Stop using their fiat money. Use Bitcoin for everything and take control of your future. You only have one chance in life, there are no retries.

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