Wounded warrior coin: the cryptocurrency to help the war veterans


Blockchain initiatives have no limits to generate welfare in society. In this opportunity we will talk about the Wounded Warrior Project® and its support cryptocurrency whose mission is to help finance the project through donations and donor contributions. Depending on the profits that are obtained with the cryptoactivity, Wounded Warrior Coin [WWC] collects in cash what is earned from an exchange and makes the respective transfer to USD; from there a donation will be made through paypal to the Wounded Warrior Project ® via its Website.

There are 3.8 million veterans in the US with a service-related disability rating according to a study done in 2014. A service-related disability is one that was the result of an illness or injury suffered or aggravated during active military service. Therefore, the network [WWC] is expected to produce 480,000,000 coins to represent the growing number of disabled veterans from the 2014 statistics.

Read more at: http://www.crypto-economy.net/wounded-warrior-coin-cryptocurrency-help-war-veterans/?lang=en

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