Ransomware Petya Attack: Bitcoin payment, How to Recover

shutterstock_616324022-1.jpgFinally, a Group of Hacker injected one more virus of Ransomware which is known as Ransomware Petya attack.

As wannacry Ransomware is spreded among Asia, U.S, U.K very fastly now its turn of Petya.

Petya Ransomware is asking for $300 U.S in Bitcoin.

Functioning of Petya is same as past Ransomware attack. It encrypts your data and shows window Alert saying ‘you are a victim of Petya Ransomware’.

Now you have Two option either pay Bitcoin or forget your files and reboot machine.

How Ransomware Petya Reached my PC?

There are dozens of a way with help of anyone can inject a virus in your PC.

It may possible hacker send you an email with a virus as attachment. It may possible that hackers inject virus file with the normal file. So when you install or download any file, Petya also downloaded with file.

Till the day, 2 version of Petya is released:

Version 1.0 with Red colour
Version 2.0 with Pink colour
Why they are asking for Bitcoins rather then real cash?

As Bitcoin system is a decentrialized system so it is not possible to track transition. It is very easy for hackers to take Bitcoins without geeting notice by anyone.

Should I pay Bitcoins?

Petya virus is showing to pay Bitcoins on given wallet address. And saying that email us, a key id of your Petya which is shown on the screen. Then they will send you, unlock key.

But the company which provides the email id to Petya is saying that they blocked the email id. So if you pay and mail them for asking key, they never reply because email id is now blocked.

Victims keep sending money to Petya, but will not get their files back: No way to contact the attackers, as their email address was killed. pic.twitter.com/68vxThNIPM

— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) June 28, 2017

so there is no method to recover all files from Ransomware Petya attack till the day. A solution of Ransomware Petya attack may come in future but till then you have to wait.petya-ransomware.jpg

How to avoid Ransomware Petya Attack?

This are some tips which you should use in your PC

You should have any backup plan. It will also help you when your PC get damaged by other reason.
Don’t use pirated version of windows and update windows regularly.
Don’t install any attachment which comes from email.
Use antivirus for your PC.



As Bitcoins are a secure method of transition and identity of sender and receiver is hidden from anyone. Therefore Petya attackers asking for Bitcoins.

Use all above method to secure your PC from Ransomware Petya attack.

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