FOMO And The Coming Altcoin Run

There's an altcoin run coming, it's not if, but when.

If you've been involved with crypto in some manner, especially in the past few years, you know that Bitcoin's current bullish action is a little early.

But Why?

It's all but certain that we have an incoming global currency war, and shots have already been fired from different sides. These warning shots have triggered strong moves into Gold, Silver and Bitcoin. There are few investments out there with positive growth, and just because the US Dollar is strong right now, it is still losing purchasing power - just not as fast as other currencies.

Where are you going to put your wealth? Bonds are all negative yielding once you account for inflation, and the purchasing power of all currencies is dropping faster than inflation can account for.

This means that hoarding money is not an option unless you have more than you know what to do with. The three biggest corporations by market cap in the USA are said to be holding upwards of 4 Trillion US Dollars in their private coffers, which itself is absolutely insane considering that hyperinflation is coming, yet the banks and the government cannot be trusted once the currency war and the next great depression hit, possibly even before that.

No, that cash is partly being used in the stock buy-back scheme that the US government and Federal Reserve are in on, like one giant slush fund, but unless you're in the rich people club, you aren't getting access any time soon.

Bitcoin, Gold and Silver are the best performing assets over the past year, hands down. But, people are often not just happy to hold something of value, we are a species that prefers productivity, and that extends to utilizing what we own to be productive. For now, money will keep flowing into Bitcoin, but at some point that money will pour over into altcoins, because that is where where real innovation takes place.

Does that mean I'm going to start pouring Money into Steem, or some other altcoins? perhaps, but what you do with your money is entirely up to you, or as they say: You do you.

What I do know is that the old Matrix Bitcoin meme is becoming more relevant than ever:

With the coming currency wars, Governments will no doubt try to steer people away from Crypto, or anything that can't be easily taxed and controlled. Some countries may even outlaw the ownership of cryptocurrency out of desperation, while others may adopt and back their currency against Bitcoin or an altcoin like Ethereum.

There's too many unknowns at this point to say for certain how this will all play out, but for many of us who have been waiting patiently for the end of this grand credit cycle, it feels like destiny. Instead of worrying about how you can trade crypto for dollars (or your own currency) in the future, instead decide how you are going to utilize your crypto as you would any other form of money.

It's coming, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it (aside from some global catastrophe). Money and information are quickly merging into one, and along with that comes security and freedom, but will cost you your privacy. But just like fiat currency, privacy has a value, and when we no longer perceive any value in privacy, it will be worthless, possibly even a liability or a missed opportunity.

The paradigm shift into the digital age isn't happening over night, but if you think back to 25 years ago, the world today would be almost unrecognizable to someone from the mid 90's. I know, because I grew up in the late 80's and the 90's, and our world today is science fiction by comparison.

Yet, we still have the same problems from 25 years ago, and the only way to solve those problems is by making them obsolete. Fiat currency, representative democracy, and many other things we consider essential today will become obsolete fast. You won't vote for a candidate, you will have an avatar in a virtual world that mirrors your personality, and your avatar will debate with millions of others in a virtual house of commons over the fate of your country. Currency will undergo just as radical of a change as politics, but how exactly will be determined, as ai and automation have yet to show their true potential.

That is the world we are moving towards, and it's not going to be stopped. I can't stop it, neither can you. The 99% at the bottom never had freedom, and never will. The system of order only changes with time, along with the players at the top who have their moment in the sun before their time comes, but there is always a system. For the first time in history however, that system will be almost entirely autonomous, machine and software alike.

I suppose it's ironic that the Matrix is used in the meme, given that the movie itself is about autonomous machines becoming our masters. But honestly, compared to the masters we've had in the past and who our masters are at present, I'd much prefer if the world was run without greed and corruption. Maybe I'm just crazy.

So what does this have to do with FOMO and the coming altcoin run? More than any of us know, I'm afraid. It's just another step into the future.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and do what it takes now to remain that way, instead of waiting for disaster to come.

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