How to Win at Life when everything is against You, My journey toward Freedom

Let me begin by telling you a little about me. My name is Steeze, I am 30 years old. I was born in the United States in one of the most poverty stricken areas in America. As a child I was very smart and was even in the gifted and talented program in grade school. Being Black in America meant that I would have to put forth the most effort and have tremendous support to overcome the circumstances I was born into. At a young age I absorbed as much as I could as quickly as possible. This was my best chance at getting "out out". By watching the demise of people around me I know exactly what NOT to do. I looked to the elders in my family to figure out the CORRECT moves to make. To survive, and have room for thought of truly "living", I would have to overcome the greatest obstacles in the world, in the supposed greatest country in the world.



But these obstacles never stop coming. They only morph into more intense traps requiring higher levels of dexterity and cognitive ability to maneuver. To be honest, this paragraph was meant to detail these exact challenges. My intent was to give you my perspective. But in the modern world you can see for yourself. There are an incredible amount of publications and media made possible by the onset of the globally embraced internet. This which I have been fortunate enough to witness from a young age. By all means, use your own senses to imagine as different a perspective as mine and I will do the same to imagine yours.


Do you ever wonder why no one taught you how to simply be successful? The answer is that most people don't know. and I'll go a step further to say they don't even care. Most people are soberly content with whatever life brings them. Then there are a few who accept the most significant summons of life. The call to achieve more. To achieve more positivity, more wealth, more happiness, more freedom and generally more life.


So how does one win at life when everything is against you? It's not as complex as you might think. You see it all comes down to energy and matter. It comes down to the very fiber of your being and the way your creator seamed you together. It's not something you have control over. It's not even something you are fully aware of much less able to manipulate. It breathes you and you breathe it. It is around you and inside of you simultaneous. The solution is innate.


Now I have probably lost a great deal of the audience at this point. Factually speaking your attention span is not supposed to get you this far. That is what "they" say, don't quote me. As I mentioned earlier, in this modern world you can figure it out yourself. Assuming you've made it this far you probably have what it takes to figure it out. You have that innate substance that compels you. You have drive, passion and a burning desire for more life. That is the fuel of every journey toward freedom!

the journey continues..


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