How To Use Blockfolio App Without Risking Losing Your Money

I recently read a concerning and revealing post by the one and only @kingscrown offering valuable information about the Blockfolio app which I personally use A LOT. I saw several comments in his article asking what we could use as a replacement for Blockfolio but the questions remain unanswered.

This is a big concern for me as the main reason I got into cryptos in the first place is to stop having my whole life tracked by massive corporations who then sell data about me to other corporations. It's an especially big concern though because Blockfolio is incredibly practical and offers a fantastic overview of your current crypto assets.

Below is a picture of what it looks like. No it's not my portfolio and no I don't know who that random obese guy is in the messenger picture. :D


However, I have two solutions to solving these privacy concerns.

The first is extremely simple.

What likely worries some people is that hackers are tracking the BlockFolio accounts which have the largest overall value be that in Bitcoin or USD. Soo if your main concern is that you don't want people knowing how much money you have, then every time you add a buy or sell transaction to your BlockFolio, divide the number by 10. For example, you want to buy 133 Antshares - enter a buy transaction of 13.3 Antshares. If you want to sell 56 Antshares - enter a sell transaction for 5.6 Antshares.

If you want to go a level further then I can save you a bunch of time. I created an Google sheet with formulas where you can enter the exact amounts of whatever currencies you have in your portfolio as well as the USD/BTC price equivalents and the document will calculate the %'s and total value of your cryptocurrencies. This is perfect for anyone who makes trades irregularly and just wants an overview of how much they have of what and how much it's worth. Note that you will have to update the USD/BTC prices every now and then to get the true full value of your portfolio. This is what it looks like:crypto_portfolio.png

Here is the link to the Google Spreadsheet I created shown in the picture above:

Hope that helps!


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