Bitcoin falls below $6,000, and one crypto trader says it will go lower. Here are alternatives to buy

Bitcoin is less than $ 6,000, and a crypto merchant says it will decrease. There are purchase options
Bitcoin fell to a low of $ 5,900 on Thursday, the second time this month was less than $ 6,000.
Ran Neu-Ner, a crypt-based trader, said the price would come around $ 5,350 in the next two weeks.
Still, he is confident about long-term investment in Bitcoin.
In the meanwhile, he asks the investors to consider two more coins.

Bitcoin fell below $ 6,000 on Thursday. According to CryptoCurrency traders, Ren Neu-Ner, it is likely to go down very much

Bitcoin 6 Pm Compared to $ 5, 915. ET Thursday

He said, "Now my money is going on in the market."

In fact, Neu-Ner said that a crypto bear market is more than 60 percent likely - compared to 16 percent chance of a bull market.

"And a bear market means that we're going to check for $ 5,350" as the new low, On Peace Capita founder.

This is the first time that Neu-Ner had a serious view of Bitcoin.

Earlier this month, he said that the coin could go up to $ 5,000, some Wikipedia mines, or the cost of production when the cost of Bitcoin decreases to about $ 8,000

But Neu-Ner said that the cost of mines is much more than $ 5,000 profit

"This is the place where mines see and run: 'Is this machine right?' "Neu-Ner said in June first." Then we can see a different game in the mining. "

Neu-Ner reiterated those comments and said that Bitcoin will soon arrive at a place where the miners find that it is not useful to me. He said that many miners have already started doing this.

For Vitkin, the price will continue to decline "I'll say $ 5,350 in the next week or two," Neu-Ner said.

When the trader said that Victorine is not a good investment in the near term, he is now a good time to consider long-term investments.

"If you understand the technology and you're a bull, it's a great time to buy now," said Neu-Ner.

"blockchain is moving forward, and this will go away," he said.

The video representation of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was shown in Paris, France on 23 December 2017.
But Bitcoin, invested in the Crypto Hall weeks, fell below $ 6,000 for the first time since February, and if the crypto phase was actually completed after several feats. The coin returned a few days later. Nevertheless, BitCoin, the biggest capitulation of the market cap, is close to the end of December when it valued at the US $ 19,500.

When Neu-Ner expresses further deficiency in Victoria, he still calls himself a cryptic bull. To determine the size of their future in the market, they are looking at Blockchain Technology and Infrastructure.

"These two coins have a toss for me," he said.

Those two coins are neo, the currency is used for the Chinese platform similar to the ethereum, and Cardona's Aida Kritokurgency.

"This is Blockchain Protocol," Neu-Ner said, "Quoting the Cardone system," what I think is not very slight. "

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