👩‍💼 Market Manipulation, Its a Real Thing


Ever since we hit highs of $20,000 at the end of the year in December 2017 the markets have done nothing but slide down to $6,000 and now hovers around $7,500 still a solid increase in money but could it all come down to simple market manipulation?

The answer is a resounding yes.

From the looks of it these market manipulators are losing their power though as wealth in bitcoin is being distributed to more and more people which is what we need. But ever since futures market orders have been allowed to enter the market we have seen a steady decline in price. Not even that though we have seem wild swings to the positive and then the same sell off.


We can see that just a day after future contracts where added the price dropped and then quickly went back up then price doped again and back up where it now looks to be leveled out with a bump between $9,000 - $7,000. If this prediction pans out then we should see growth shortly to about the $9,500 - $10,000 level in the next week or two.

The sad part of this all this manipulation is done by big money people and is totally legal!

Perhaps instead of regulations on bitcoin we need regulations on people with billions of dollars in their hands.


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