Altana Digital Currency Fund and Coinbase


Just a few short hours ago Bitcoin skyrocketed in both new user acquisitions and price as demand for bitcoin continues to flourish.

Coinbase today said they picked up over 100,000 more customers in a single day when news came out of the worlds largest futures exchange, CME is in fact planning on launching their bitcoin futures plan by the end of the year.

This would drastically open up bitcoin to a massive pile of money somewhere in the area of 68 trillion dollars. To put that into prospective if bitcoin hit a 1 trillion dollar market cap then it would be work about $50,000 per!

By opening up a futures what will happen is many large investors who currently have their hands tied from directly buying bitcoin now will be able to buy. We are talking about people with networth of 1 billion plus.

All in all we are looking more towards a heck of a rally by years end and some major growth and adoption in 2018 be ready for some profitable and interesting months to come.


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