If you use Exodus as cryptocurrency wallet, You need to beware before you get scammed

Exodus team warns there costumer about getting scammed by hackers. they posted a tweet on the official twitter account telling customers to beware of email phishing letter and reacting to it by clicking on the links.


Exodus never send you an email:

From my experience using the Exodus Wallet, I never get any email from them. If there is any version update you will get a notification in your desktop wallet.


the only email you will get is your 12 backup words and they only send them if you request them.


How Hackers know exodus costumer:

Good question, you need to know that 5% of the world population are involving in the cryptocurrency, so if you send a random 100 letter, you we get 5 people have interest in the cryptocurrency and as Exodus is mostly used by investors, the Hackers will get a least one or 2 hits a minimum.


so, Beware.

Keep in touche as I will take some safety behavior in the future

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