ETH - Good time to buy at 0.066?

In my opinion it can not go much lower. Even if it drops a little more, it will come back up....very UP!
As you can see on , difficulty has reached 1335.323 T.
Now with 100 megahash you can barely mine 0.03-0.04 ETH /day.
Also total hashpower reached 75.247 TH/s......huge....this means it is in demand, to mine at such a high diff. will rise, it's just a question of "when will the dupers funds dry". Yes, it was a lot of ETH purchased at 10$ 6 month ago, because I doubt somebody would mine it now at such a high difficulty and sell it at this price. It is almost 2 days before the eventual BTC fork and all the selling for BTC should be almost over....the ETH sellout is seeing it's final hours...

So...HODL your ETH and be will pay off.
Later Edit... : patience my friends.....patience...numbers don't lie....price might be oscillating a little, that's what they do.
But the general trend will be UP....and I find it hard to believe it will go under 0.066. But then is my opinion and I play my money on it, you do as you think is best for you. now at 0.0672.

If things go another way....don't hold me responsible for it, but you can hold me responsible for lieing intentionally, and in that case I will put a printscreen with the marginal long I opened on ETH on Polo :))))!!!!

Also I opened the marginal to get my revenge on Genesis I believe that is what they did with our not payed ETH....sold it for BTC to make profit on the fork....too big of a price drop for someone BIG not to be involved, and in the latest news light with "Genesis Mining not being able to pay, and "you will see your money eventually" as they say on twitter without a bit of shame".....I will be more than happy to sell them back some ETH at a higher price when they will have to buy back to pay us :)))) It is the only logical explanation I find to the fact that they started paying and their system is UP....but they don't pay us all the money they owe us.

EDIT 2: And I am so happy to say: I was right!!!!!
I was + 0.054 BTC right :)))))))

  • almost 1 ETH is enough....took my profit and got out at +0.060 BTC.
    I am afraid of the following possible scam(legal by the rools scam):
    When BTC transfer will be blocked for 1 august....somebody with a lot of money can sell a big amount of eth (as eth will not be blocked) and put down the exchange rate (as more BTC to buy ETH can not come on Polo....transfer blocked for 1 august).....and that somebody can make a lot of money liquidating so your marginal long accounts.
  • 15-20 % is enough profit for 1 day,I played with only 5 ETH on polo, let's not get greedy. And I have another business in mind for tomorrow. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, after I start it but in plenty of time for you to join. Like I published this article when ETH was well below 0.067. :). I mean, I am still with all my money in ETH, was talking about "enough" on marginal long :)). My money can not be "liquidated" by a speculation while the BTC wallet is locked :))).
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