The price of bitcoin is approaching US $ 6000 after a new meteoric rise.

in September, when its value collapsed below $ 3000, many analysts began to predict that the bitcoin bubble was finally about to burst.

But the most popular digital currency on the planet gave another sign of resistance: the value began to recover and in the last 24 hours exceeded its historical maximum.

According to the Coindesk portal, cryptodivisa reached an all-time high of $ 5856 per unit in the early hours of the day, but then dropped slightly to $ 5630.

Based on this quotation, the capitalization of bitcoin amounted to almost US $ 95 billion, representing 55% of the total market for cryptones.

In this way, it seemed to be proven that the fears aroused in the market by China's ban on the public offering of virtual currencies (ICOs) last month were exaggerated.


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