Which bitcoin will be king? Or the real question: What should I BUY or SELL?

Which bitcoin will be king? Or the real question: What should I BUY or SELL?

So! Action, Action, Action!
Prices are everywhere. Bitcoin Cash/BCC/BCH growing from around $400 to a current price of $1456 per coin.

Reason's its growing:

  • Mining BCH is currently more profitable then mining BTC
  • Increasing hash power (More miners)
  • Cheap transaction fees
  • A lot of publicity
  • Hype / FOMO
  • They have big players on there side.

Bitcoin is dropping. All-time high: $7900
Current price: $5680

What are my thoughts? Should you buy Bitcoin Cash? Should you sell Bitcoin core?
No financial advice, just my personal opinion.

I think BCC is growing and it should grow. I don't think it's a good time to get in tho. It may go higher, don't get me wrong. I think it will go higher in the long term but in the short term, I do think there will be opportunities to buy at lower prices. There is FOMO out there right now. You are reading everywhere: Is BCC going to overtake BTC? Will BCC be named BTC?! Should I get in?! That is exactly when you shouldn't get in.

Also as a long-term​ buy: A lot of the big money, I'm talking very big money, is going to go to BTC. BTC is going to have, and has one thing BCC has not and altcoins struggle to find. Decentralization. Do you remember when you first got into​ cryptocurrencies? What did these videos/ people/ articles tell you? It's decentralized. What says​ half of the ICO's on there front web page? DECENTRALIZED. Decentralization is valuable​. It is​ secure, It's safe.

Anyone who forgot banks and governments may fight these cryptocurrencies​ in the future? You were probably told: It's hard to beat them. I will tell you: Bitcoin Core will be. Some others won't be.

The prizes of bitcoin dropping, I love it. Buy BTC on the dips, ride the yearly waves, cause 2018 will be great! :)

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