3 investments bitcoin that need attention

bitcoin is the more popular digital currency today, even bitexin bitrex.com ranks first as the most profitable investment. no wonder if now many of these people are starting to invest into digital money this one.
The consistent BitCoin exchange rate continues to increase, making many people suddenly become rich. This fact could shock the world because of the emergence of new billionaires after the successful BitCoin investment.
the article 1 bitcoin is now equal to IDR 35,000,000 and possibly in the next few years could be higher due to the growing interest. but this investment is not only always a profit. The example is a 23-year-old student named Charlie Shrem. In 2013, he bought thousands of BitCoin and became a billionaire. Although making ngiri, safe yes do not invest BitCoin?

need to note some things before we want to invest bitcoin.


  1. Pay attention to storage security issues

BitCoin-hosted storage is not one hundred percent safe. You will get a virtual wallet with a private key. Although it has been given protection, it becomes vulnerable because your virtual wallet is in the internet network.

What if the cyber criminals hack into your virtual wallet? The big case of a bitCoin investment breakthrough that can be used as experience is a burglary in the United States. BoinCoin storage was hacked and caused millions of dollars in losses.


  1. Also know the limitations of BitCoin

Unfortunately, not all merchants in the world serve payment by using BitCoin. This fact is often the biggest problem for investors because of the difficulty of using BitCoin.

The concept of virtual money is indeed not understood globally, so it is quite difficult to use it offine. The only way is to use it online which number is still limited.

  1. Could threaten the country's economy

One thing the state fears about increasing BitCoin users is the declining state revenue from tax payments. Therefore, the state simply limits the movement of BitCoin by encumbering transaction costs and taxes.

And on the other hand, there are also countries that permit the free use of BitCoin. Still, the country is scared if a currency shift can threaten the economy.

BitCoin does have both positive and negative sides. Now, after knowing the important things in this investment, you can decide whether to choose it or not.

You can indeed be a billionaire in a short time, but big risks must be ready for you.

so that's some of the impact of bitcoin investments, which we must always be vigilant because not all of them must have its flaws.

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