United States: Secrets of the Empire will be stored on a Blockchain

The most top-secret documents of the United States will soon be stored on a blockchain.

Microsoft announced yesterday the launch of its Azure Government Secret service, a cloud computing system for US administrations. Users of its Government Cloud will now be able to access the Microsoft Azure blockchain. The offer is currently only for the US market.

"Only jurisdictions at the federal, state, local and community levels in the United States and their partners have access to this dedicated forum used by authorized personnel in the United States. »Official Azure Government Secret website

In addition to increased data security, the system will offer a Big Data analysis system as well as greater flexibility and ease of integration.

"Create cloud applications for Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP, or .NET. In addition, choose how and where to deploy solutions: locally, in the cloud, or both.

  • A solution to various problems

The main concern is obviously the security of sensitive information, but other benefits accompany the program. One of the most important is the efficient processing of information.

For example, following the recent hurricanes that ravaged parts of the United States, many donations and food shortages were put in place. As always in the case of disasters and the humanitarian actions that follow, it is complicated to limit resource depletion and even embezzlement. Installing a blockchain tracing all donations could totally fix this problem.

"The Blockchain makes fraud and mess more complicated, makes them much more visible and potentially gets rid of a bunch of bureaucratic layers that exist only to make sure [fraud and mess] do not exist. "Russinovich, technical director of Azure Government Secret, interviewed by Coindesk

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