

I started my autumn bulking about three weeks ago, and to be honest, I regret not starting a bulk right from the beginning of my fitness journey. I was always underweight but also carried a slight belly. The mistake I made was focusing more on losing the belly than building muscle mass.

Once you reach your peak muscle mass for your age and genetics, it's easier to get lean and look good. But trying to add muscle mass while staying at calorie maintenance (gaintenance) is not productive at all.

However, adding quality muscle mass isn’t as easy as it seems, and it definitely doesn’t happen overnight—unless you're on steroids. Being someone who gains weight slowly, I know it’s going to take time to add these kilos without turning into a fat mess.

The same principles apply to crypto. Especially for newbies, there's a tendency to look at the past performance of coins and expect the same from new ones. The bigger issue with this mindset is that people don’t have the patience to wait for the charts to play out.

Parabolic pumps can take years to form, and once the price starts climbing, anyone holding will experience psychological torture. Nothing moves up in a straight line, and the volatility will test your mental resilience.

That’s why it’s crucial to always have a plan—an exit plan. Whatever goes up will come down, and every parabolic trend will eventually reverse at the same speed it rose. It’s like bulking: overdo it, and you’ll end up a fat fucker.

Personally, I believe we’re still in the “bulking phase” of the market, which means there are plenty of good deals to grab. When things go parabolic—and they will—that’s when you start trimming your positions and getting lean.

All year, CT influencers have been pushing various scenarios about what the market might do in 2024 and 2025, and most of them have been wrong. The market rarely does what people expect. That’s why it’s important to have a macro view and focus on the four-year cycles, which have worked pretty well so far.

Now, I won’t keep holding onto a coin if we’re just months away from the halving and it’s going parabolic, like what happened with AI coins in 2023 and 2024. Those coins are done. If you bought the bottom in 2022, you should’ve sold by Q1 2024, in my opinion.

However, as we approach Q4 2025, I wouldn't advise anyone to hold past early 2026. I keep seeing the “supercycle theory” popping up again, and I think it’s going to lead a lot of investors straight to the slaughterhouse. Every market has a peak, and while it does go higher over time, why not take profits when they’re there and invest in the next big thing during the bear market?

I hope we all make bulking fun and profitable during this bull market because we definitely deserve it.

Thanks for your attention,

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