Monero Gold creators are Criminals

Today Monero Gold was outed as a fraud token. Here is the message from CoinExchange.IO

Upon further investigation we regret to inform the community that it appears that the developers are responsible for
this fraudulent activity. We have come to this conclusion because of the following points:
1 — The XMRG token was created by the following Ethereum address:
2 — The XMRG token creation (by the address above) txid:
3 — The same address was also resposible for the recent creation of a very large number of tokens, please see the following transaction:

The frauds behind Monero Gold put the icing on the cake by then uploading the following meme to their site.

To everyone out there investing in placing their faith in Crypto, PLEASE be safe and due your due diligence on every and all investments.

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