Block Explorer:What It Stores


Since all the information regarding a blockchain is usually complex, a website or software which makes all the vital information accessible and readable by all users of the blockchain is known as Block Explorer. It reveals all relevant information related to the contents of the blocks in a way that even a non-savvy person will understand. A block explorers breaks down the complexity of blockchain terms like nodes, addresses, transactions and block numbers to a readable form easily comprehended by humans.

A block explorer makes it easy to navigate between different pieces of data. It links information together and clickable through a website and these websites can be easily accessed from any web browser. All this information about the blocks are usually in tabular and arranged in the order in which the transactions happen. It reveals information such as miners, mining time, block height, block hash, transaction fees and others which are all contained in the table.

Block explorer also contains information like unconfirmed transactions, orphan block and almost all cryptocurrencies have block explorer.

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