The only birthday which doubles our age!

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Luna is growing up faster than Esteban because she has him as a constant reference and as long as they don't reach for the same toy at the same moment (which results in big dramas) she completely idolises him and duplicates his behaviour.


Like Esteban she is learning English & French at the same time without even knowing it. Sabrina always speaks in French to them while I always speak in English and even though Esteban is only 3, his French is already more extensive than mine. Anyone who thinks children need the education system to learn a second language is sorely mistaken.


Luna's grandmother always give her 'girly' presents but in truth she is more interested in racing cars around the track with her brother or flicking through books on her own, marvelling at all the pictures.


There is however always an excitement in the air when there are new boxes to be opened.


Esteban decided to have a go with Luna's present to see what all the fuss was about.


I comb the hair, right?


But what else does it do?


Enough of that. It's time to be crazy again!


Luna was a little overwhelmed by all the attention when it came to blowing out the candle but once she had tasted the cake there was no turning back.


Thankfully it was much less messy than last year, which looked like this.

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The Steem Savings account

Some time ago I started an account for Esteban & Luna (@esteban-luna) and the rewards from posts like this one go into that account so that one day they may benefit from the inevitable rise of crypto like the rest of us.

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If any of you generous people feel moved by this idea your donations would be most welcome! All funds which end up in that account are for them and them alone.

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.

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All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

Sam is the creator of:

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image

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