The birthing of new life...

I am elated to announce the water birth of my youngest child...

Massaging and breathing through the waves of pain...

A smooth, easy, graceful water birth from an incredible woman.

I delivered the baby (so strange that the person catching the baby is the one that is termed the deliverer) and unwrapped the umbilical cord that was tight around her little body. (At least it wasn’t wrapped twice around her neck like her big sister. I had to think quick that time)
Then I passed bubba under mama’s legs, pulled her out of the water bum first in order to draw the amiotic fluid out easier.

Welcome to planet Earth Levana Penina!

Here’s one of your big sisters to greet you.



Snuggled and sleeping.

Thanks for coming along the journey here.

All of the ebullient love zinging through my cells at the moment is shining out to you wherever you are to lift your spirits up higher!

I try my best to check out the blogs of my genuine upvoters as well as those of you who do genuine comments and especially those who follow me…

By the way, sometimes (actually, quite often) it takes me quite sometime to reply to comments, but that’s not because I don’t think you’re important. I’m just trying to juggle my time and failing! Hahaha! I am humbled that you send me comments here and promise that I will get to you.

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @aggroed, @curie as witnesses here: These beautiful beings do lotsa good.

Also, I'm a proud helpinaut!
Join the PALnet Discord group and be active there. Our scouts are in there all the time seeking new Helpienauts for our discord group (I am one of those scouts)!.
You could be one of them!
Helping is the #1 goal!

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