Owling by Day

LEOW_0Y0A0186  2022-01-17 Walla Walla.JPG
Long-eared Owl Asio otus
I just returned from a 4-day birding trip with friends to Sputh-eastern Washington State. One of the highlights was finding a number of owls at their roosts in the daytime. The best find, by far, was this Long-eared Owl in Walla Walla county. Long-eared Owls tend to use communal roosts, and at least 3 birds were found in this roost in a thicket of birch trees. This is a common phenomenon in winter for this species.
Great Horned Owls are another species often spotted on their daytime roosts.

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A pair of daytime roosting Great Horned Owls Bubo virginianus in Asotin County.
This Great Horned Owl flew just as darkness approached for this cool silhouette shot.

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Owls are often nocturnal, but by knowing where to look can often be found in the daytime too.
Good birding

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