My Favorite Penguin Photos

I'm recently back from an expedition cruise to the Antarctic peninsula, and of course penguins were highlights. Here is my favorite photo of each species seen:

Adelie Penguin_0Y0A7671  2022-11-21 Adelie Colony at Paulet Island.JPG
Adelie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae are the smallest species of penguin seen, and are the classic cute black-and-white species.

Chinstrap Penguin_0Y0A8596 2022-11-23 Culverville Island.JPG

Chinstrap Penguins Pygoscelis antarcticus are one of the more southerly breeding penguins, and I love how the name is so descriptive.

Gentoo Penguin_0Y0A8607 2022-11-23 Culverville Island.JPG
I like this Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua photo especiallly because it shows the "brushtail" aspect of this bird.

KIPE_0Y0A7041 2022-11-17 Last Day of Quarantine St. Andrew's Bay.JPG
I was in Covid quarantine when the Zodiac landings on the South Georgia King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus colonies happened, so I had to settle for this cool swimming photo.

Macaroni Penguin0Y0A8690 2022-11-23.JPG
This lonely Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus was seen in a Chinstrap Penguin colony where it has been seen for several years. No one knows why it is here, with no con-specific birds for breeding.

Magellanic Penguin_ 0Y0A5666 2022-11-11.JPG
Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus are burrow nesting birds that breed farther north than the other species seen here.

mperor Penguin_0Y0A7628    2022-11-20 Pack Ice.JPG
This a poor photo of an Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri when we saw the birds seen at a distance in failing late evening light.

Southern Rockhjopper Penguin_0Y0A6079 2022-11-11.JPG
Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome are aptly named, as they really hop from rock to rock to get to their nests high up on rocky hillsides.

Penguins are cool. Stay tuned for a series of Albatross, Petrel and Caracara photos.
Good birding and good day!

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