Consolation Prize

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American Pipit Anthus rubescens
Today a top local birder, Will Brooks, found a Swamp Sparrow at a local birding hotspot called the Gog-li-hi-ti Wetlands, in the tide flats of Tacoma, WA. We have a local text chain to tell other county birders about uncommon birds we see, and Will texted us about the bird. Several of us were out birding, all in safe to be places during the stay-safe time of Covid-19, and we came looking for the Swamp Sparrow. It's a big place, so we could safely be in the area and keep good distances between us, but immediately on arrival a bird flew in and perched on a treetop.
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It took a moment to ID it, as this species is usually seen on or near the ground. This American Pipit was a species seen for the first time this year (FOY) by me, and most if not all of the 5 birders there. A nice consolation prize as the Swamp Sparrow was not relocated. In addition an early arriving Barn Swallow gave us another FOY bonus.
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