Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest member of macaw family. They inhabit in humid evergreen forests across Central and South America. They are famous for their colorful plumage. They have bright red plumage with a blue back. Their upper wings are yellow and edged with green color. cx.jpg

The strong, curved beak is another noticeable feature of a scarlet macaw. Its upper part is white and the tip is black. An adult scarlet macaw has a length between 80-90 cm and weighs up to 1.5 kg. They are excellent fliers and can reach up to a speed of 35 mph. Scarlet macaws also live for a long time. They have a lifespan of 40-50 years. It is said to be the scarlet macaws in captivity can live up to 75 years.

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