Atractus lancinii 馃悕馃悕

Esta linda culebrita, identificada como Atractus lancinii, apareci贸 hoy a las afueras de pabell贸n 4, en la Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var, Caracas, Venezuela.
Es conocida como Culebrita de Tierra o tigrita, y pertenece a la familia Dipsadidae.
Es iridiscente, y su cabeza es poco diferenciada del cuello, tiene ojos peque帽os con pupilas redondeadas.
Es de actividad diurna y nocturna, semifosorial o minadora. Vive bajo tierra suelta y hojarasca, en bosques siempreverdes, de transici贸n, ribere帽os y nublados.
No es venenosa y se alimenta de invertebrados.
Es end茅mica de la Cordillera de la Costa, entre 800 y 2000m de elevaci贸n.

Este esp茅cimen midi贸 aproximadamente 50cm de longitud.

La identificaci贸n fue realizada por la profesora Ariana Gols y Mar铆a de Lourdes Gonzalez. (Mal煤), y el esp茅cimen fue donado al Laboratorio de Organismos III de la Universidad Sim贸n Bol铆var.

La informaci贸n fue tomada de Se帽aris J. Aristeguieta M, Rojas G. y Rojas-Runjaic, F. (2018). Gu铆a Ilustrada de los anfibios y reptiles del valle de Caracas, Venezuela. Ediciones del IVIC. IVIC, Caracas, Venezuela.

This cute little snake, identified as Atractus lancinii, appeared today on the outskirts of pavilion 4, at the University Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela.
It is known as Culebrita de Tierra or Tigrita, and belongs to the Dipsadidae family.
His body is irisdicent, and his head is slightly different from his neck, he has small eyes with rounded pupils.
It is daytime and nighttime, semi-fossoral or mining activity. It lives underground in loose, leafy soil, in evergreen, transitional, riparian and cloud forests.
It is not poisonous and feeds on invertebrates.
It is endemic to the Coastal Range, between 800 and 2000m elevation

This specimen measured approximately 50cm in length.

The identification was made by Professor Ariana Gols and Mar铆a de Lourdes Gonz谩lez (Mal煤), and the specimen was donated to the Laboratory of Organisms III of the Sim贸n Bol铆var University.

The information was taken from Se帽aris J. Aristeguieta M, Rojas G. and Rojas-Runjaic, F. (2018). Illustrated guide to amphibians and reptiles in the Caracas Valley, Venezuela. IVIC Editions. IVIC. Caracas, Venezuela.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi tel茅fono inteligente Xiomi :)
This pictures were taken with my smarthphone Xiomi :)

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