Benefits of using loofah sponge

Loofah sponge is widely used both for skin care product or kitchen cleaning item. Do you know how the processing of getting loofah sponge? Luffa gourds are grown in tropical and subtropical climates. Before World War II, many of them were grown and imported from Japan at the height of loofah popularity in the United States. Currently, plants can be grown in the country or imported from almost any warm climate.

After the plant blooms, the flower becomes a long plant similar to a pumpkin that looks like a giant cucumber or zucchini. Gourds are harvested and dried for up to 6 months. Dried gourds are soaked in water, peeled and seeds are removed. Once completely dry, it can be cut or molded in several ways before selling it as biodegradable sponges.

Benefits of using loofah sponge

Loofah sponge working as skin item

There are obvious gains when using a loofah sponge. Rubbing your body with this natural sponge has many health benefits even before opening the shower. Loofah sponge can eliminate dead skin cells, cleanses the skin and peels the skin gently and effectively, further more it helps eliminate toxins and impurities from the blood.

Loofah sponge In the Kitchen 

To keep the dishes clean, the loofah sponge is unique. Any stuck on food is little match for the tough loofah fibers. The durable and soft texture is perfect for this daily work. All you have to do is cut a 1 inch thick round slice and you will be ready to clean your kitchen.

Ideal for washing pots and pans. It is tough enough to clean the adhesion to food and grease, while it is soft enough to leave a great shine without a single scratch. This natural kitchen loofah sponge takes less time to dry than a traditional kitchen sponge. This means that bacteria are less likely to stay at home.

This sponge is a tough sponge. The sink, closet doors and even the kitchen floor can be cleaned. One thing you shouldn't worry about is scratching something. This is especially important if you have a Teflon pan: this sponge rubs the pan effectively without leaving scratches.

How to clean loofah sponge?

After using the loofah sponge, you should pay attention to how you keep it every day. Instead of simply hanging it in a shower or a bath hook, using a dry towel to completely squeeze out the moisture. When finished, place it in a cool dry place.


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