Bilpcon Crypto Talk

Hello Community

At Bilpcoin our Crypto journey has been far from easy we have faced countless obstacles and challenges along the way however, we have never given up because we are not fucking quitters.

At Bilpcoin we fight for what is right and believe in good things for all we try to invest in good things too we must admit that we have made some significant mistakes in our investment decisions in the past we listened to the wrong people and made poor investment choices.

We understand that many of our readers may have made similar mistakes.

We have written a small book, called Bilpcoin Crypto Talk, to help you out please remember that nothing we have written is financial advice we are not financial advisers so please do not invest based on what you read in this post or any other post we share or have shared.

When investing in crypto, you must make the final decision yourself. Only you can press that button and spend that real money.

We hope that you all love Bilpcoin Crypto Talk as much as we do. It took us a long while to put it together.

At Bilpcoin we would appreciate some feedback on our book. So, please do tell us where we went right or wrong.

Bilpcoin Crypto Talk

Hello Community Welcome to Bilpcon Crypto Talk
Let's talk Crypto
Crypto is a super highly volatile asset the fact is it's the most volatile in the world right now investing in crypto is a risky business due to the reality of many criminals who try to deceive people into investing in shady projects and other shady activities Some may even befriend you just to steal your money or make you do things you wouldn't normally do.

When dealing with crypto, it is crucial to be vigilant as there are many bad dishonest no good individuals involved in this space but despite this, there are also many many good people in the crypto industry.
Crypto can be a safe haven for some criminals who can operate without fear of consequences we have all witnessed many instances of crypto crimes going unpunished and gangs being allowed to scam again but now it is encouraging to see that some culprits are being caught.
Nonetheless, in Crypto, there will always be risk-takers and individuals who are motivated solely by the desire for money they are heartless and soulless.

If you are thinking of investing in any crypto, it is crucial to conduct thorough real research yourself this means more than just watching videos on platforms like YouTube or TikTok and the rest.
You need to investigate the project yourself before investing because most projects have paid promoters who only spread what the project wants you to hear so that you will invest.
At Bilpcoin, we have seen many cases where big influencers promote worthless projects, pump and dumps, rug pulls, and other scams. Therefore we say again it is vital to carry out your own research because research is vital and research is king.

In Crypto, we are witnessing a rise in blog-to-earn sites so many sites are popping up all over the place, and we have used and tested many of them. Some are okay, while others are highly centralized there are blog-to-earn sites where downvotes can be used to push people away even legit content creators they can take all the rewards earned, and even destroy a user's reputation.

Multiple blog-to-earn sites in reality have no future because the power is in the wrong hands, and the constant sell pressure does not stop so sites like this will not work as no new real money is coming in and it just turns into who can get the most money out.

Remember, everyone in crypto is not your friend, no matter what they say please Just stay safe.

With money involved a lot of blog-to-earn sites only attract those who will add no significance but only take, take, and take it will not work.

While blog-to-earn sounds good, it is hard to maintain and keep them afloat but for some, it is that way, while others are flourishing, thriving and succeeding. It will be so so interesting to see where blog-to-earn sites are in 20 years - will they even be a thing? Maybe Maybe not who knows?

If you're thinking of investing in any blog-to-earn site, project, token, or coin, be very careful as most of the time there will be insiders who will be waiting to dump the bag on you we have seen it many times, and it still happens all the time.

You must stay savvy; you must stay vigilant you must remember that many bad people will try to take advantage of you online.

We are all witnessing the emergence of AI-based crypto projects and some people may not bloody like AI, but it is an undeniable fact that AI is the future and it's unstoppable even though the misuse of AI can be dangerous when utilized for good AI has the potential to achieve accomplishments that we mere humans can only imagine.

At Bilpccoin AI has already helped us in numerous ways, and it is changing our world at an astonishing rate we fucking love AI for its tremendous potential.

We hope this info helps you on your AI crypto journey.

In the world of crypto, many projects are doomed to fail due to various reasons such as lack of funds, improper usage of funds, absence of a genuine community or user base, unscrupulous people in key positions, tokens not being listed on many exchanges and poor liquidity. Sadly, many crypto projects waste money on the wrong things that do not benefit the project.

Crypto is a challenging game to play, as many fraudsters will try to deceive you and sell you a dream just to take your money and give you worthless tokens or coins.

We have invested in projects that we thought were open to all, but later, we realized that we were wrong. It is so disheartening to see how some projects treat their investors with disrespect and abuse.

We all know that money and power can bring out the worst in people. Therefore, it is crucial to be cautious about which crypto projects you invest in, as some may appear to be good, welcoming to all, but the truth will always come out in the end.

Crypto blockchain AI and more is rapidly evolving and with the introduction of ETFs and the upcoming Bitcoin halving, we can expect a significant price surge in all Cryptos.

We hope Bilpcoin Crypto Talk can help you on your crypto journey.

That's the end of our Bilpcoin Crypto Talk don't worry, this was only the first one. We have started working on other topics too.

At Bilpcoin we would love to hear from our readers and listeners about the kind of book you would like us to write and what kind of books do you enjoy reading, and of course, we would appreciate your feedback on our book.

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