Bill Cosby vs. Catholic Priests and Female Teachers Rant


I just feel like, as a society, we are more into the SHOCK Value stuff, than actually really dealing with the real issues that we REALLY know exist; I've said time and time again; I just didn't believe the accusers; Sorry -- I Think these matters are too important NOT to report things right away; I realize it may be difficult, but it's the only way to keep things fair; All we have are the stories, and we are assuming the accusers are right; Many of us are ignoring all the accusers who were Caught Lying - and continue to say "but alllll those women" ... when it was maybe 3-5 with the 'same story' --- and all of them came out 'after' the Lance Armstrong looking chick, who's story I "also" do not believe.

If a friend hands me 3 pills, and says 'those are your friends, put them down' --- I am FOR SURE NOT taking those pills; I'm not telling on folks but I got people that DO Drugs; I've never been that dude; SO that's why i say if one of my HOMIES handed me some of THEIR ish; I'm NOT taking THEIR ish............... So, how do we as a society, blame Bill for the 'choice' she made? Again, I have a hard time believing BIll is into that but maybe he is. Some men are into some real Freaky shit; especially rich dudes .... #50ShadesOfGrey reference goes here...

That being said, Bill could have just HIRED women who would Do what he's into; Just like Trump HIRED a pornstar to do the freak ish he's into; and he HIRED a playboy model for the freak ish; Bill could have done the same; This is where women hit me with the, "it's about Power, Control" .... and that's where I respond with, why did he want to Control Those women for? These things do not add up.

But it's shocking .... the mystery ... the wonder ... the Watching someone Fall from Grace .... that moves us, as a society for some reason. We're unconcerned, that we may have just sent an innocent man to jail; that we're calling this man a rapist, We are seeing him, in our own minds, taking advantage of women passed out ... and not ONE of us was in the room.

Meanwhile, we KNOW about catholic priests molesting kids;
We KNOW about female teachers sleeping with their male students;
WE know of Several White Men who've been Caught in the Act; Evidence on hand, not just "hearsay" --- and we are not giving that the Same Energy we gave Bill Cosby;

We Are not serious about Solving these issues in our society.

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