What “Getting On Code” Really Means

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What I want to talk about real quick since I’m up is what it means to “be on code”. We’ve heard this phrase time and time again in the negrosphere of social media and we all have a somewhat clear understanding of what this phrase is intended to imply. If you don’t, basically it’s means that black people need to develop a code of conduct. This code of conduct is supposed to mean that black people need to put the interests of black society above any and everything first and foremost. It sounds noble on its surface and also in theory, but this Cosby case is proving that “being on code” is just another piece of pro-black babble bs being tossed out to the simple minded masses who really have nothing of substance really going for themselves in real life other than listening to endless lectures about racism and white supremacy all day long. Now while “getting on code” in theory could be a good thing somewhat, you have to realize that getting on code also means accepting every piece of black degeneracy there is too include defending the likes of a Bill Cosby. Sure these pro-black babblers will tell you that black people need to “thin the herd” of the coons & the hood rats, but they’ll go out of their way to defend the Pookies, the Rays Rays, the Cosby’s, that bummy negro who makes random babies all over the place uncontrollably. Basically, just about anybody who is a black male no matter how revered they are in society or how down right disgusting they are to society, if they are a black male, they are to be protected at all costs and every excuse you can make for them is to be made unapologetically. When it comes to black women, good luck. But black males, it’s excuses galore.

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